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Your order must be received by 3pm Thursday for the following Thursday's edition. Public Holiday copy dates vary, please check

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Further classified headings can be created on request.

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Classified Wording:
Please enter your Classified Advert (1 word per box only). Entering more than 1 word per box will result in an invalid entry. Please make sure that contact details are included. Press your TAB key to move from box to box.

1 insertion £7.92
3 insertions £23.04
7 insertions £51.66
1 insertion £15.84
3 insertions £46.08
7 insertions £103.32

Number of insertions:

Longer-series rates are available in the magazine Classified Order Form or on application.

Classified Standard Style:

In light type averaging 5 words per line. Up to and including 5 lines count as a 1cm space; up to 10 lines as a 2cm space Example:

Orders for advertisement space are accepted on the understanding that copy and illustrations are subject to the approval of the Publishers. Every care is taken to ensure accuracy, but the Publishers give notice that they will not be responsible for loss in consequence of error or omission in any advertisement accepted for publication or loss through any other cause.
All advertisements appearing in this publication are only accepted on the condition that the advertiser warrants that the advertisement does not in any way contravene the provisions of the Trade Descriptions Act 1968.
Intending purchasers are advised that machines need not necessarily be located at the address of the advertisers, and prior check on location is recommended.