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Mitutoyo helps the R&A to ensure fair play

Posted on 10 Apr 2020. Edited by: John Hunter. Read 3080 times.
Mitutoyo helps the R&A to ensure fair play Currently celebrating its 40th anniversary, Hampshire-based Mitutoyo UK is renowned for the accuracy and quality of its products, plus the wide range of metrology and testing disciplines that it covers.

Within the fields of contour and surface roughness measurement, Mitutoyo (www.mitutoyo.co.uk) services the needs of many high-tech industries, including aerospace, automotive and medical.

It also provides an extensive range of instruments to non-engineering businesses, which have their own requirements.

A recent project that demonstrates the diverse nature of the company’s customer base involved the delivery of an advanced Mitutoyo Formtracer Avant to the R&A; this is now being used to measure the profiles, widths, depths, edge radii and separation distances of the grooves on new golf clubs (against the relevant specifications in the Equipment Rules).

It is also used to inspect the surface finish of each club’s impact area.

Andrew Johnson, R&A assistant director, said: “We receive 30-40 submissions of new equipment each week for evaluation against the Equipment Rules, and we use a wide range of precise testing procedures to ensure that the submitted equipment does not exceed the set limits.

"Our previously purchased Mitutoyo Formtracer has provided the levels of accuracy and ease of use that we needed.

"Replacing it with the new Avant model will help to ensure that we can keep pace with the high volumes of contour and surface roughness testing.”