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GDHF secures 20 H175s for worldwide lease

Posted on 02 May 2024. Edited by: John Hunter. Read 854 times.
GDHF secures 20 H175s for worldwide leaseAirbus Helicopters and GDAT, have signed a contract for up to 20 H175 helicopters (10 firm orders and 10 options). GD Helicopter Finance (GDHF), a start-up helicopter leasing and finance company based in Dublin, Ireland, will be marketing these H175 helicopters to customers in the energy, SAR, EMS and parapublic market segments worldwide.

GDHF CEO Michael York said: “GDHF is very pleased to announce the availability of 50 H160 and 20 Airbus H175 super medium helicopters to the global market. This new H175 order, along with the existing 50 Airbus H160 medium helicopters already on the GDAT order book, will be available to GDHF. This deal will further enhance GDHF’s ability to offer our customers near term availability of efficient, cost-effective, multi-mission helicopters of the very latest technology. GDHF will build a strong relationship with Airbus to deliver high-value solutions for our customers.”

Airbus Helicopters CEO Bruno Even said: “The creation of GDHF and this follow-on GDAT contract underlines the versatility and competitiveness of the H175 and the H160. We look forward to a long-standing partnership with GDHF as they put these multi-mission helicopters into service with their customers around the world.”

In service since 2015, Airbus' H175 belongs to the super medium class of helicopters, combining long-range and payload with smooth flight qualities, making it the optimal solution for a wide range of onshore and offshore mission profiles, including disaster relief, search and rescue and other public services, as well as crew change and private and business aviation. The 55 H175s currently in service have accumulated more than 210,000 flight hours, of which 184,000 in the energy sector.