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Xtrac cyber security assessed to TISAX standard

Posted on 01 Aug 2024. Edited by: John Hunter. Read 772 times.
Xtrac cyber security assessed to TISAX standardXtrac, a pioneer in designing and manufacturing vehicle transmission systems for professional top-level motorsport and specialist high-performance automotive applications, has assessed its information security to the international TISAX standard.

Neil Randon, chief information officer at Xtrac, said: “TISAX not only defines protection controls against cyber security issues, but it ensures we protect all information within our business and supply chain during our day-to-day activities. It is a comprehensive approach that involves everyone at Xtrac, not just the IT team. This successful assessment validates the processes developed by our team and the awareness within our workforce, ensuring that Xtrac fulfils the highest requirements for information security with clients and development partners who can be confident in our approach to security.”

Since its inception in 2017, TISAX has emerged as a globally recognised standard in the automotive industry, aligning perfectly with Xtrac’s commitment to securing data throughout its supply chain. Its sharp focus on critical aspects of information security, such as data protection and connection to third parties, is a testament to its relevance and applicability and a sign that the industry is at the forefront of global standards.

Since 2023, Xtrac has been assessed to the international ISO 27001 information security management standard, which applies to any organisation, regardless of industry. It was released in 2005 as the first standard in the ISO 27000 series of cybersecurity standards, revised in 2013 and again in 2022 to accommodate ever-changing information security challenges.

The successful TISAX assessment is not just a milestone for Xtrac but a significant achievement that reflects the collective effort of the automotive and motorsport sectors. This joint commitment to enhancing a company’s information security, demonstrated through this assessment, is a testament to the industry's leadership and dedication to the highest information security standards.

Xtrac’s chief executive Adrian Moore concluded: “It is another example of Xtrac leading the way in the marketplace by fortifying our information security and demonstrating our commitment to staying ahead by prioritising matters crucial to the high-performance automotive and motorsport sectors. By protecting the company’s information assets, we are defending the interests of all stakeholders, including most importantly our customers, as well as our employees and suppliers.”