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GE Aerospace signs ‘net zero’ charter

Posted on 04 Aug 2024. Edited by: John Hunter. Read 599 times.
GE Aerospace signs ‘net zero’ charterGE Aerospace signed the UK Ministry of Defence’s (MoD) Defence Aviation Net Zero Charter last month. This will see the company and partners working together to ‘capitalise on opportunities’ that improve operational effectiveness and support the MoD efforts in the Defence Aviation Net Zero Strategy.

Scott Keating, regional general manager, sales and business development (Europe), for Defence and Systems with GE Aerospace, said: “This marks a significant step forward in our efforts to collaborate and share best practices with our partners to ensure that defence aviation positively contributes to the UK Government’s ‘net zero’ ambitions and the Royal Air Force’s aspirational goal to achieve ‘net zero’ by 2040.”

Air Vice Marshal Shaun Harris, ‘director support and chief engineer Royal Air Force’, added: “Defence Aviation must be able to retain its ability to operate globally, to defend the UK and its allies in a changing climatic environment, while also significantly reducing our own carbon emissions. Strong collaboration with industry is essential in that work, so the Royal Air Force is delighted that GE Aerospace has become the latest signatory to the UK Defence Aviation Net Zero Charter.”

Amy Gowder, GE Aerospace’s president and CEO (Defence and Systems), concluded: “We are honoured to join the UK MoD’s Defence Aviation Net Zero Charter. This partnership underscores our support of the UK’s ‘net zero’ ambitions. By collaborating with our partners and sharing best practices, we aim to advance technology innovations that reduce emissions while enhancing the effectiveness of defence aviation operations.”

GE Aerospace is an aerospace propulsion, services, and systems leader with a global team of 52,000 employees and an installed base of about 44,000 commercial and 26,000 military aircraft engines. In the UK, GE Aerospace’s footprint spans maintenance, repair, and overhaul (MRO) of aircraft engines at sites in Scotland and South Wales, as well as propeller, electrical power and avionics systems businesses in Gloucester and Cheltenham.