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Aero industry prepares for take-off at Starrag event

Posted on 21 Sep 2024. Edited by: Colin Granger. Read 820 times.
Aero industry prepares for take-off at Starrag eventThe Starrag-Tornos Group recently welcomed guests to its 25th annual Aerospace and Turbine Technology Days event. Hosted by Starrag in Switzerland, the event was attended by prominent OEMs and supply chain partners from aerospace manufacturing, R&D and product development.

Martin Buyle, Starrag-Tornos Group’s CEO, said: “The Aerospace Days event has become a tradition. We position ourselves as technology leaders, and not just machine or equipment sellers. One of the means to demonstrate this expertise is to bring together specialists from all over the world to learn about what we can offer and provide an environment where engineers can learn from their peers and what they do. This event really is like a family or friends meeting, but one spiced up with technology that we bring along, which is why so many people come every year.

“Overall, the aerospace industry is doing particularly well, reflected by the fact that the first day of our event was particularly positive with over 100 customers attending from 38 different countries. This gave us a great opportunity to show our technological capabilities at what is a truly international event. We had some very interesting presentations from our team as well as from our technology partners.”

Alexander Attenberger from the Starrag-Tornos Group added: “At the event, we had 13 different stations, one that included a blade machining cell with collaborative robot (cobot)-based integrated, and for each of the stations we had a technology partner that helped show what is possible with a completely integrated package. The theme was not just about the machine, the measurement or the automation, but about the integration of these technologies by the partners that we have worked with for many years.”

The next Starrag TechDays Event will take place on 5-6 November in Chemnitz, Germany. This event will highlight new compact machines, as well as a new large-capacity machine, as well as presenting solutions integration with technology partners such as Blum Novotest, Fanuc, Siemens, Fastems, and Haimer. Those wanting to attend can register at the website here.