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Meltio becomes a ‘strategic technology partner’ to US Army

Posted on 26 Jul 2023. Edited by: John Hunter. Read 1413 times.
Meltio becomes a ‘strategic technology partner’ to US ArmyThe US Department of Defense has recognised Meltio and Phillips Corporation’s system

Spanish-based Meltio together with its US distributor Phillips Corporation have received the prestigious recognition of the US Army’s ‘xTechInternational Advanced Manufacturing and Materials’, which brings together a forum of international companies and academic institutions and where more than 300 technology companies from different countries participate.

The US Department of Defense has awarded the unique and patented metal 3-D printing technology of the Spanish multinational metal additive manufacturing (AM) leader solutions Meltio, which means the recognition as a ‘strategic technology partner’ in the current and future development plans of that country in the military and security field.

This is the first time that a Spanish company has received this award in the field of AM, which allows printing and repairing parts using 3-D printing, solving possible logistical problems and providing manufacturing autonomy and improving the supply chains of parts in the defence sector.

This award consolidates Meltio’s relationship with the US Army and increases its
possibilities of having a relationship with other US defence departments and the armed forces of other countries. Meltio’s goal is to become a technological reference in 3-D printing of metal by welding wire (known as DED, directed energy deposition for the creation of metal parts layer by layer using laser fused deposition).

Disruptive metal 3-D printing technology

Ángel Llavero López de Villalta, CEO of Meltio, said: “The award we have received is a recognition to Meltio’s professionals and gives reliability to our technology. For us, the military sector is a sector that allows us to bring together all the applications of our disruptive metal 3-D printing technology; and it is an opportunity for Meltio to develop a dual application for the civil and military sector.

Meltio“Our technology has the potential to transform different sectors, thanks to metal AM, such as supply chains, logistics, repair and manufacturing of metal parts compared to other conventional techniques such as forging and machining. There are currently many armies in other countries that have Meltio’s metal AM technology and we want to stand out as a strategic and technological partner for the military sector, also in Spain.”

The US Department of Defense has recognised Meltio and Phillips Corporation’s system: “This is a technology with a very robust capability for fabrication and for near-net-shape part production. It offers a very valuable approach that uses standard welding wire that is already available in US Department of Defense manufacturing environments, a coil of wire can be made into a near net shape for any part, thus avoiding the need for large stocks of shapes/forms/sizes of raw material.”

The aim of the award is to involve the best technology players from around the world, in this
case in the 3-D printing sector, to contribute their solutions to the US Department of Defense
and participate in the development of its defence programme. This year’s thematic area was
advanced manufacturing and materials.

The award also positions Meltio’s unique and disruptive metal AM technology as a technological and strategic player in the global defence sector. It is developed in Meltio’s Spanish factory in Linares (Jaén) where it exports to more than 60 countries and employs more than 100 people.

It is the first time that a robust, reliable, easy to use technology with excellent mechanical properties has been developed, capable of being used in the area of operations or in remote areas, for the manufacture or repair of metal parts when and where it the need arises.
