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ETG ‘raises the standard’ with ISO certification

Posted on 22 Feb 2024. Edited by: John Hunter. Read 1181 times.
ETG ‘raises the standard’ with ISO certificationETG’s Gary Cooke with the certificates

The Wellesbourne-based Engineering Technology Group (ETG) has achieved both BS EN ISO: 9001:2015 and ISO: 14001:2015 certification. As a leading UK machine tool and turnkey solution provider, the company has implemented the global standards to build upon its already robust business framework while demonstrating its commitment and compliance to environmental and quality standards.

ETG has implemented a QEMS (integrated quality and environmental management system) for a number of reasons – all of which will benefit both the company and its customers. The major commitment made by ETG to undertake dual certification and adopt a complete QEMS that will operate harmoniously with existing management systems, is a clear demonstration that ETG is legally compliant with environmental, legal and all other requirements.

Gaining its certification in September last year, ETG’s QEMS system is now fully integrated with all internal processes, creating one cohesive management system. For both customers and staff, the benefits are far-reaching with ETG now meeting the ISO requirements that blue-chip customers place upon their supply chains.

The company is also fully compliant with legal frameworks and can provide enhanced traceability with clear documented processes for all business activities. This will further enhance the already impeccable reputation, credibility and client confidence that ETG possesses in the marketplace for its products and services while demonstrating its commitment to achieving its ‘net zero’ environmental ambitions.

ETG’s managing director Martin Doyle said: “ETG has long been committed to achieving excellence in every facet of our business. We have continually delivered industry-leading products that have been serviced and supported by high-calibre employees that exceed customer expectations – this is a credit to our robust business framework.

“By integrating a QEMS system into our operations and implementing a PDCA (plan, do, check, act) cycle, we will accelerate our drive towards ‘net zero’. It will also build a strong foundation for continually improving environmental performance and enhance our already comprehensive business structures to simultaneously eliminate any deficiencies in our business. Furthermore, ISO certification is a marker of our commitment to customer excellence and it will help our teams to identify opportunities to enhance the already impeccable service levels.”

One example where ETG already goes above and beyond its ISO obligations is its long-standing commitment to the Betterworld Solutions initiative. Betterworld Solutions is an initiative that supports environmentally-conscious companies in ‘adopting an investment policy to prevent global warming’.

Manufacturers are invited to create their own policy that encourages businesses and their employees to commit to doing their best to achieve ‘net zero’ within their operations. As an advocate for this initiative, ETG has long promoted its line of energy-efficient amorphous core transformers that can be retrofitted to machine tools to reduce their carbon footprint and energy consumption.