Schuler appoints new CEO
Posted on 02 Aug 2024. Edited by: Tony Miles. Read 1008 times.
Martin Drasch. Photo: SchulerMartin Drasch has been announced as the new CEO of
Schuler. The current CEO of Reutlingen-based mechanical engineering company Manz AG is to take up his new position by 1 October.
Andritz Group president and CEO Dr Joachim Schönbeck said: “We are very pleased to be able to fill this important position within the Andritz Group. The market situation in the automotive and supplier industry is currently quite challenging, so we are therefore fortunate to have found Martin Drasch who has extensive knowledge and experience in the automotive industry as well as in-depth industry expertise in the future topics of electromobility and battery production. I am convinced that he will set the right course for Schuler.”
Mr Drasch said: “I am honoured to take over the management of Schuler. Schuler is a top innovative company with great potential in the field of battery production. I am therefore looking forward to this new task.”
The 49-year-old has been CEO of Manz AG, which employs around 1,400 people, since 2018. Drasch built up the Mobility and Battery Solutions division there and initiated a cooperation with the companies Dürr and Grob on the topic of ‘turnkey battery factory’. The mechanical engineering graduate previously worked as chief operating officer at Manz and in various management positions at Eisenmann.