A leading provider of advanced manufacturing and nesting software,
JetCAM International, recently released JOC 4 (JetCAM Orders Controller 4). A ‘significant update’ to the automation front end of JetCAM Expert, the company’s nesting software, JOC 4 has a completely rewritten nest batch information export dialog, allowing users to easily extract any information on nests, material, stock and orders, for import into other data systems such as ERP.
Users can select multiple nests, choose the data type and fields to export, with a CSV file immediately available. JOC 4 now supports JetCAM Expert Lite and Expert 1, widening the range of nesting systems that can take advantage of its ordering and nest viewing capabilities.
Furthermore, a new material translations function that will be useful for users exporting data from CAD/bending software with different material information, allows mapping of external material names to JetCAM material types. In particular, this will benefit customers cutting the same material with different gasses, thereby ensuring they correctly map material information as parts are imported — and ensure that the correct material data is displayed in subsequent exported data.
Meanwhile, the CAD Splitter, which is used for splitting DXF nests down into individual DXF files, has been updated to allow a processor to be run after splitting. This capability helps users wanting to extract additional information from text found within each DXF, which can then be used during the CAD import process as normal.
Martin Bailey, JetCAM International’s general manager, said many other areas of the software have benefited from incremental updates. “For example, JOC now supports soft licensing, with one-click updating of maintenance expiry online. Other changes include additional configuration options for JetCAM’s Ultra Performance Nesting option, enhanced data exchange with other systems during CAD import, an upgraded ‘Copy/Mirror’ function of complete assemblies, improvements in Progressive Nesting, updates on the Orders search function, and new RCP (Remote Control Processing) overrides and functions.
“Moreover, existing JetCAM Expert nesting customers can take advantage of a free 60-day trial offer, allowing them to test JOC 4’s automation without risk. A dedicated online video tutorial course in the JETCAM University ensures that users can be up and running within a few hours.”
JOC 4 is available for immediate download free-of-charge for all existing customers with a current maintenance contract.