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Nano Dimension and Hensoldt to expand joint venture

Posted on 02 Oct 2024. Edited by: Colin Granger. Read 788 times.
Nano Dimension and Hensoldt to expand joint ventureHensoldt AG and Nano Dimension Ltd (a leading supplier of additively manufactured electronics (AME) and multi-dimensional polymer, metal, and ceramic additive manufacturing (AM) solutions) have announced that their respective leadership teams have agreed to continue the joint venture Jetted Additively Manufactured Electronics Sources GmbH (JAMES).

Based in Taufkirchen, Germany, JAMES combines the strengths of both Nano Dimension and Hensoldt to advance the development of 3-D printed electronics and has established itself as a ‘leading electronic designer community’ where designs and methodologies for manufacturing, component integration, and materials know-how are exchanged. The company is also a key partner working with customers on specific projects seeking to make AME a centrepiece of their work.

JAMES’s CEO Andreas Müller said: “We are excited to continue our work on building JAMES as a critical platform for knowledge sharing and realisation of 3-D printed electronics. We have had great partners in Nano Dimension and Hensoldt, which have been so supportive from their initial vision years ago to their ongoing direction and perspective. We look forward to seeing JAMES continue to grow and become the first professional network for advanced electronics manufacturing and engineering.”

Hensoldt’s CEO Oliver Dörre added: “The results since JAMES’s foundation are above our expectations. Thanks to a closer cooperation with Nano Dimension, our joint venture has been the driver for a fast technology development as a real alternative to conventional electronics manufacturing. We are committed to support JAMES’s mission and invest in the advancement of digital 3-D printing of electronic components to make the benefits of this technology available for development and production within the industry.”

Nano Dimension’s CEO Yoav Stern concluded: “Starting our partnership with Hensoldt in JAMES over three years ago, was one of the best decisions we made, and not just for Nano Dimension, but for the 3-D printed electronics industry. We are still in the early days of the technology revolutionising electronics manufacturing.”