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Seco introduces a new series of end mills

Posted on 07 Oct 2024. Edited by: Colin Granger. Read 1091 times.
Seco introduces a new series of end millsNow available from Seco is the company’s new C-Series of end mills. Designed to deliver both flexibility and performance, they allow the machining of various materials without changing tools and are available in square, ball-nose and chamfering geometries.

The series encompasses two-, three-, and four-flute configurations designed to ensure ‘consistent performance across traditional milling applications’ such as roughing and finishing when side milling, copy milling or slotting, as well as ‘everyday, general-purpose applications’.

Seco product manager Rob Mulers said: “The new C-Series end mills enable shops to perform a wide variety of common milling strategies with a single family of tools and the extensive range makes it easy for shops to select the best option for their unique part mix and equipment portfolio.

“Our C-series end mills incorporate an advanced SIRON-A coating that boosts general-purpose tool life by up to 30%. This coating is the first-choice universal coating for steels, cast iron and stainless-steel materials. With one tool for general machining applications, shops can significantly reduce tooling inventories and costs and increase profitability. Moreover, C-Series end mills uphold the same process and quality control standards as Seco’s high-end specialty tooling.”