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Sandvik Coromant introduces the CoroMill MS20

Posted on 05 Jan 2025. Edited by: John Hunter. Read 1331 times.
Sandvik Coromant introduces the CoroMill MS20Cutting tool specialist Sandvik Coromant has launched the CoroMill MS20, a true 90deg shoulder milling solution which is designed for roughing to finishing in stainless steel and heat-resistant super alloys, and ensures uncompromised security, versatility and productivity.

Sangram Dash, global product application specialist for indexable milling tools at Sandvik Coromant, said: “CoroMill MS20 is our new first-choice, single-sided, two-edge solution for true 90deg shoulder milling applications in ISO M and ISO S materials, particularly suited for the aerospace and oil and gas industries. Being versatile, CoroMill MS20 excels in repeated shoulder milling, face milling, linear and helical ramping, full slotting, and plunging applications.”

One of the standout features of the CoroMill MS20 is its optimised geometries tailored for different ISO materials, ensuring higher edge line security. Mr Dash continued: “Users will first notice the reliability of the CoroMill MS20 inserts, which exhibit a predictable and gradual wear pattern on the cutting edge, even in demanding applications. All in all, it is an exceptionally secure concept, allowing for higher productivity.”

The combination of high-quality cutter bodies and inserts ensures excellent surface finishes and optimal wall quality (without any steps) in repeated shoulder milling applications. The robust cutter body boasts high levels of dimensional control, closely matching the nominal diameter with tighter tolerances on axial and radial run out. This results in improved component quality, fewer rejections, and extended insert tool life.

Manufactured using a new pressing technology, the inserts offer superior dimensional accuracy, further enhancing component quality and insert tool life. The high accuracy of the direct-pressed CoroMill® MS20 insert enables it to replace periphery ground geometries with similar performance.

Mr Dash concluded: “You shouldn’t have to settle for compromises when it comes to shoulder milling. Whether you prioritise secure and trouble-free machining, high productivity or increased cost-efficiency, the new CoroMill MS20 shoulder milling concept has got you covered.”

The assortment encompasses cutter bodies in the range of 15.8–84mm (with inch equivalent cutters), along with inserts featuring optimised geometries for stainless steel and HRSA applications.