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Promach 3D installs new ALC 400G from Sodick

Posted on 22 Feb 2019. Edited by: John Hunter. Read 5681 times.
Promach 3D installs new ALC 400G from SodickDerby-based Promach 3D, a leading aerospace sub-contractor, has installed a second Sodick wire-erosion machine from Sodi-Tech EDM (www.sodi-techedm.co.uk) to meet customer demand.

The new ALC 400G has already been set to work producing fir-tree profiles on special tooling for a critical aerospace application.

Established in 2004 by Matt Fazekas with little more than a three-axis vertical machining centre, Promach 3D has grown into a business with 12 employees and a turnover of more than £1 million a year.

Mr Fazekas said: “We decided to invest in a second wire EDM not just to increase our capacity but also to take advantage of the latest technology.

"Although we looked at the whole market, we returned to Sodi-Tech EDM due to the reliability and functionality of our existing machine.

"The ALC 400G was the right machine for our requirements, largely thanks to its versatility and high specification. As a sub-contract business, we never know what will come through the door tomorrow, so we have to be prepared and continue to offer high-end solutions.”

Promach 3D made the decision to purchase the machine at MACH 2018, and the months since installation have seen the ALC 400G hard at work.

“We won an aerospace contract that first involved helping the customer with the design of stainless-steel tooling that helps to automate the coating of turbine blades.

"From the outset, it was clear that, due to the complexity of a key feature, wire EDM was the only way it could be made effectively and efficiently.”