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BOFA launches fume extraction training academy

Posted on 10 Apr 2020. Edited by: John Hunter. Read 2265 times.
BOFA launches fume extraction training academyBOFA International has launched what is thought to be the fume extraction industry’s first ever training academy.

The BOFA Academy will enable participants to select modular on-line training to suit their individual requirements — whether to increase their knowledge about the important role that fume and dust extraction plays in health and safety (and in improving productivity), or tips and advice to help users get the most out of their BOFA products.

The academy delivers the content via a mix of media — including video — and webinars hosted by BOFA engineers.

It includes information relevant to a wide range of industry sectors, including laser, electronics and 3-D printing.

Josh Evans, BOFA applications engineer and head of learning, developed the academy programme and says that the modules have been designed specifically to make the information easy to access for people operating in various roles, including technical support, sales, marketing, product management and maintenance.

“We have developed both Foundation and Advanced modules.

The Foundation content is available at any time to anyone interested in finding out more about BOFA generally, and there is a bit about our technology too.

"The advanced modules are for those who are looking for a deeper understanding of fume and dust extraction and BOFA products, as well as focused technical training.

"There is no charge for participating in the modules; it’s all part of the value we add to our customer experience.

"We anticipate that the academy will be very useful for anyone whose work touches on fume extraction or who is responsible for health and safety in the workplace.”

To register for the BOFA Academy, visit the Web site (www.bofainternational.com/en/support/training-bofa-academy/about-the-bofa-academy).