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MTC Training launches space apprenticeships to boost skills

Posted on 28 Nov 2022. Edited by: John Hunter. Read 1206 times.
MTC Training launches space apprenticeships to boost skillsCoventry-based MTC Training, the training arm of the Manufacturing Technology Centre (MTC), is launching a new apprenticeship and training courses to support the UK's rapidly growing space sector. A suite of industry-leading space-specific courses will include a new Level 4 space technician apprenticeship, a graduate development programme and a series of courses to upskill space engineers.

The new programmes are designed to boost the UK's skills and capabilities in the fast-growing space sector which is forecast to be worth £450 billion by 2030. The courses will accelerate industrial innovation among space-focused organisations and manufacturers with the aim of boosting productivity and driving growth.

Emma Johnstone, MTC Training operations manager, said the apprenticeship and courses were part of the MTC’s commitment to support the space sector's development in the UK. She said: “Space presents a significant opportunity and these courses will underpin the advances being made by UK manufacturers, creating a pipeline of future-proof engineers ready to understand and take advantage of the immense opportunities that space technology offers. The apprentices will be equipped with the right technological tools to address the challenge of producing the next generation of space hardware.”

The new space technician apprenticeship launches in September next year and will be delivered from the ‘state of the art’ Oxfordshire Advanced Skills (OAS) training centre in Abingdon. The four-year course aims to create the sector’s future lead engineers, helping to propel the success of UK manufacturing businesses.

The new graduate development space programme, also delivered at OAS, supports engineering graduates who are new to the space industry or are considering a move into the space sector. It provides practical experience with specialist space equipment in skills such as additive manufacturing in space, geometric dimensioning and tolerancing, and space standards.

The innovative space-specific development courses are designed to support rapid cross-sector skills development and the upskilling of space engineers. They will cover a range of subjects from satellite manufacturing to spacecraft platform systems and design, the effects of space environments and environment testing for space.