The Big Bang Fair — the largest celebration of science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) in the UK — is returning for another year, and will take place from 21-23 June 2023 at the Birmingham NEC. Registration for free tickets to attend the event is now open.
The event is aimed at young people aged 10 to 13 — who can attend with their school, or with their family or community group during
The Big Bang Fair Unlocked session. Young people will have the opportunity to meet real engineers and scientists and get involved in hands-on activities, exciting live shows and inspiring career panels.
The fair provides an ideal opportunity to showcase to young people the breadth of careers available in STEM, and inspire them to consider entering the sector. Given the UK’s acute skills shortage and ambitions to meet ‘net zero’ by 2050, engagement activities such as this are vital for helping the sector to secure a skilled and diverse future workforce.
Phillip McShane, associate director,
Big Bang Programme at EngineeringUK, said: “With the growing demand for more engineers and technicians, we need to encourage more young people, from all backgrounds, to pursue a career in this field. We know that STEM outreach activities play a key part in changing the perceptions and attitudes young people feel towards careers in the sector, so
The Big Bang Fair is a prime opportunity for employers to get themselves in front of young people and really make a difference.”
A student who attended last year said:
“The Big Bang Fair is an absolutely amazing experience. There are different business opportunities, education opportunities — I got that in abundance but I got a whole load of other things as well including first-hand experience writing coding, driving a drone and carrying out CPR. All these things play a vital part in our lives.”
There will also be an awards ceremony for the popular ‘Big Bang UK Young Scientists & Engineers Competition’. Winners will be announced at the event, including the crowning of the ‘UK Young Engineer’ and ‘UK Young Scientist of the Year’.
The competition, which is free to enter, is open to all young people aged 11 to 18 in the UK, who are in state-funded education, home educated or who enter as part of a community group. There is still time for young people to get involved — entries close on 30 March.
Find out more about
The Big Bang Competition here. With tickets for
The Big Bang Fair quickly snapped up, teachers, families and community groups are advised to book their free tickets early, to avoid disappointment: (