Multi-sheet nesting in Expert v24.05.01. Picture courtesy of JetCAM InternationalWith the release of version 24.05.01 of its Expert CAD/CAM software,
JetCAM International has introduced ‘significant new features and enhancements’ for sheet metal fabrication. Some of these include: the availability in both 32-bit and 64-bit versions, allowing users to take full advantage of modern hardware; and up to 80% performance enhancement when generating NC code after nesting, along with other performance gains when working with extremely complex/dense nests.
There are also new options for JetCAM Expert 1, including ‘Free Form Automatic Nesting’ (read only) and ‘2-D Routing’ support. Also: new ‘Skeleton Parting Tooling’ functions for punch and punch/laser machines; automatic ‘Remnant Cut-off” capability for laser, punch, and combination machines; improved nesting algorithms and automation features; and enhanced installation options suitable for ‘enterprise security IT requirements’ — plus the addition of nine new post-processors and updates to numerous existing post-processors.
Martin Bailey, JetCAM International’s managing director, said: “Our v24 is all about performance. Not only have we optimised and refactored code in ‘high usage’ areas of the software, such as NC code generation, the 64-bit preview release also demonstrates a drastic increase in nesting efficiency for our ‘High and Ultra Performance’ time-based nesting algorithms, delivering much more efficient nests over the same time as a 32-bit system. In addition to core performance changes that will benefit all users, there are new features that will aid specific groups of customers using, punch, laser, routing and knife cutting technologies.”
JetCAM Expert v24 is available immediately, free of charge for customers with current maintenance contracts.