Sheffield Forgemasters apprenticeship intake for 2024Sheffield Forgemasters has welcomed 23 apprentices to its site for 2024, as its transformation into one of the world’s most advanced manufacturing facilities stimulates demand for new talent. The new apprentices join the company’s award-winning apprenticeship scheme, where they will receive fully funded training, working towards a professional qualification — while getting paid.
Sheffield Forgemasters’ apprentices will start at a variety of levels as it drives forward with significant investment into new plant and equipment to underpin the delivery of complex components for the UK defence programme, including for the new SSN-AUKUS submarine, which will replace the Astute Class vessels.
Emily Wynne, people development advisor (early careers), said: “We are continuing to seek out the best candidates for our apprenticeships programme as we look to upskill the next generation of employees and to preserve the skills we already have. The company’s transformation covers both its physical assets and its skill set as we move into a high-technology engineering sphere.
“We need to adapt our capabilities to meet the future demands of our defence work, but we are also expanding in areas such as civil nuclear and renewable energy and require a workforce that will be trained to understand and exploit the very different technologies and workplace that recapitalisation will deliver. It is great to welcome these new starters to our site for the first time and to see so much enthusiasm for their future careers.”
Defence-critical assetsSheffield Forgemasters will invest heavily over the next 10 years to support defence-critical assets, including a new 13,000-tonne forge line and building, 17 major machine tool replacements within a new, 30,000m
2 machining facility, which will be unmatched outside of the UK.
Ms Wynne added: “Sheffield Forgemasters’ apprenticeship programme is recognised as one of the best across the region, and to be able to provide future generations with the opportunity to have an exciting, meaningful career with skills which are for life, is extremely rewarding to us. As we welcome the new apprentices, we are already working on a recruitment drive for our 2025 apprentice intake, which will be launched in the coming months via the company website and social media channels.”
This year’s apprentices intake covers roles in the following disciplines: site services, machining, non destructive testing, projects, quality control, work rolls, IT, recapitalisation, distribution, test house and finance, and includes one degree apprentice, studying metallurgy at Sheffield Hallam University.
Sheffield Forgemasters’ training partners
AMRC Training Centre are supporting the apprenticeship programme.